
21.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A 、B、 C 和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

  I would like to share some tips and recommendations for reading your first foreign language novel. Reading in your target language is one of the best ways to make yourself familiar with a language and to learn idioms and phrases. Here are a few tips and some recommendations for easy English reading.

  Read something that you know: You might have read a book in your own language, or watched a film version of a novel. If you already know the plot and characters, it’s easier to understand what’s happening and avoid getting completely confused.

  You don’t need to know every word: Don’t get caught in every word you don’t understand. Looking up every word in the dictionary takes the fun out of reading even the most amazing of books. Read the whole sentence and maybe the next sentence too, and see if you can get the meaning. You don’t need to know the definition of every word to understand the plot.

  Read side-by-side novels: If you are reading something new, try to get a “side-by-side”, parallel text, version of the novel. More common with e-books, these will print a paragraph of the language followed by a translation. If your understanding isn’t great, it saves time looking words up in the dictionary.

  Don’t be too ambitious: Put down that Shakespearean play! Even some British students struggle with the language written in some of the “classics”, so even though you will seem so clever reading “Hamlet” or “Great Expectations” on the bus, they’ll soon have you running for the hills and never wanting to read another English novel again. Start with more modern books as the language will be easier to understand. Don’t be afraid to try out children’s books to just help you get started.

  Here are some recommendations for easy but interesting reads. I’ve read all of these novels and love them all, I’ve tried to include something for everybody but I’d recommend you give them all a try!

(1)What may be stated after the last paragraph?

A. Lists of the recommended books.            

B. Tips on easy English reading.

C. Names of famous Britain novelists.            

D. Ways to infer meanings of words.

(2) Who is the passage intended for?

A. Tourists going abroad.                        

B. Senior interpreters.

C. Foreign language beginners.                

D. College language teachers.

(3)Which of the following tip is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Find a book whose plot you are familiar with.

B. Choose something easy as the first foreign language novel.

C. A paragraph followed by a translation is helpful for you to understand.

D. Looking up every new word is a must while reading a foreign language novel.

(4) Which is the main idea of the passage?

A. Benefits of reading easy English novels.

B. Tips on your first easy English reading.

C. Encouragements for easy English reading.

D. Recommendations for easy but interesting novels.






