


  Ambition is the driving force behind every great accomplishment yet, on the other hand, it’s a constant voice urging you to do more. When ambition bothers you, it feels like no matter how much you accomplish or how hard you work, you haven’t done enough. This kind of fear always stays hidden in you. You fear not because you are unsuccessful but because you are unsatisfied with yourself. If you can’t control ambition, your mind becomes painful. Then how can you manage your ambition? Here are some suggestions for you.

  ● Each year most of us set goals. Most of us also file away those goals until the clock strikes midnight 12 months later. But goals, not unlike objectives that are set by a board (董事会) in a business, are unfixed things. What’s a priority in January seems laughable in December. So hold your personal board meeting each quarter. During this meeting, review your goals, analyze your performance over the period, find what you wish to accomplish and what can wait and then make necessary adjustments to your goals. Breaking yearly goals into quarters allows you to appreciate the progress you’ve made. Day by day it can be hard to miss all the great stuff you’ve been doing.

  ● It’s tough not to get caught up in the success of others. Almost daily, “overnight successes” fill the webs, often with people much younger than you. If this is the benchmark (参照点) that you compare yourself to, it’s tough to feel like you’re doing enough. In reality, with this benchmark, it’s impossible to do enough. When you’re chasing others, you’re chasing a finish line that’s always developing and never ending. Remember, the success of others is not your roadmap or path to happiness.

  ● Complacency (自满) sounds like a bad word, but not if it’s selective. The reality is that certain things take time, regardless of how much you’d like them to move quicker. Other things can move with your help. Seeing the difference between the two is where selective complacency comes into play. Every now and again, you’ll need to select complacency. Some things take patience so you have to focus on the things that need your attention without the distraction of what’s to come.

  Every single person you admire struggles with managing their ambition. We all face feelings of mediocrity (平庸), not doing enough, not making enough, not winning enough. So the mental side of our career is extremely challenging. It reveals that ambition means power, but only if you know how to use it.












(10)powerful/positive/ helpful/meaningful/useful
