
71. Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Last year my company was bought by a large corporation and most of the managers lost their jobs. That was when I decided to do something I’d always wanted to do — become a freelance writer (自由作家). Changing professions has meant that my lifestyle has changed in a number of ways.

I work about as much as I did before — between 45 and 50 hours a week — but my schedule is much less fixed than it used to be. Before, I worked from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day, with a few extra hours on weekends. Now, however, I work when I feel like it. For instance, sometimes I work until midnight or 2 a.m., then sleep until noon. I really prefer this kind of schedule.

While I was working as a manager, I never exercised. I already felt tired after work, so I just came home in the evening and watched TV. However, last year I joined a health club and began to do regular exercise. As a result I have lost over 10 pounds and I feel much better. I’ve also started to eat more healthfully. I used to eat a lot of fast food, but now I do my own shopping. I buy lots of fruits and vegetables and cook them at home.

Of course, not all the changes have been that easy. For example, I don’t feel as safe financially as I used to. When I was working as a manager, I never worried much about money. I could always count on getting my paycheck every two weeks. Working freelance, I don’t have a regular paycheck. So now I have to make sure that there’s enough money until the next check arrives.



After the author quit his previous job and became a freelaner writer, some changes have taken place to his lifestyle. The working schedule becomes more flexible. He has also done more excises and eaten more healthily. But he is concerned that he might not get regular wages. Anyway, he finds the current lifestyle suitable for him.







(2)注意下列5个要点:the author changed profession; flexible working schedule; doing exercises to keep fit and eating healthier; worried about not having regular paycheck; the lifestyle suits the author.

