
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Hannah Taylor is a schoolgirl form Manitoba,Canada.One day, when she wasfive years old,she was walking with her mother in downtown Winnipeg.They saw aman  36     out of a garbage can.She asked hermother why he did that and her mother said that the man was homeless andhungry.Hannah was very   37   .She couldn't understand whysome people had to live their without shelter or enough food.Hannah started tothink about how she could  38    ,but,of course,there is not a lot onefive-year-old can do to solve(解决)the problem ofhomelessness.      

Later ,when Hannah attended school, she sawanother homeless person. It was a woman,  39   an old shopping trolley(购物车)which was piled with   40  .It seemed that everything the woman owned was in them. This made Hannah verysad, and even more  41  to do something.She had been talking toher mother about the lives of homeless people  42  theyfirst saw the homeless man. Her mother told her that if she did something tochange the problem that made her sad, she wouldn’ t  43  as bad.

Hannah began to speak out about the homelessnessin Manitoba and then in other provinces.She hoped to 44 her message ofhope and awareness.She started the Ladybug Foudation ,an organization aiming atgetting rid of bomekssacss. She began to “Big Bosses” lunches, where she wouldtry to persuade local business Leaders to 46 to the cause.She alsoorganized a fundraising(募捐)drive in “Ladybug Jars” to collect everyone`s spare change during “MakeChange” month. More recently, the foundation began another  47  calledNational Red Scarf Day-a day when people donate $20 and wear red scarves in supportof Canada`s  48  and homeless.

There is an emergency shelter in Winnipegcalled “Hannah`s Place”,something that Hannah is very 49 of. Hannah`sPlace is divided into several areas,providing shelter for people when it is socold that  50 outdoors can meandeath.In the more than five years since Hannah began her activities,shehasreceived a lot of  51  .

For example, she received the 2007 BRICKAward recognizing the   52    of young people to change the world. But   53     all this, Hannah still has the   54     life of a Winnipeg schoolgirl, except thatshe pays regular visits to homeless people.

Hannah is one ofmany examples of young people who are making a   55    in the world.You can,too!

36. A. jumping                     B. eating                      C. crying               D. waving

37. A. annoyed                     B. nervous                    C. ashamed            D. upset

38. A. behave                       B. manage                    C. help                  D. work

39. A. pushing                     B. carrying                   C. buying                     D. holding

40. A. goods                        B. bottles                      C. foods                D. bags

41. A. excited                      B. determined               C. energetic           D. grateful

42. A. since                         B. unless                      C. although            D. as

43. A. sound                        B. get                           C. feel                   D. look

44. A. exchange                   B. leave                        C. keep                 D. spread

45. A. sell                            B. deliver                            C. host                  D. pack

46. A. contribute                  B. lead                         C. apply                D.agree

47. A. campaign                   B. trip                          C. procedure          D. trial

48. A. elderly                       B. hungry                     C. lonely               D. sick

49. A. aware                        B. afraid                       C. proud                D. sure

50 A. going                         B.sleeping                   C. traveling           D. playing

51. A. praises                       B. invitations                C. replies               D. appointments

52. A. needs                         B. interests                   C. dreams              D. efforts

53. A. for                                   B. through                    C. besides              D. along

54. A. healthy                      B. public                      C. normal                     D. tough

55. A. choice                       B. profit                       C. judgement         D. difference



36-40 BDCAD 41-45 BACDB 46-50 AABCB 51-55 ADCCD